jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

ECB's Draghi: Greece agreement has been reached

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said at a press conference on Thursday that he has received a call from the Greek prime minister informing him that an agreement has been reached and endorsed by the major political parties in the country. Greek officials have been trying for several days to reach agreement on new austerity measures demanded by international creditors in exchange for a second bailout. Draghi declined to comment on the ECB's position on its holdings of Greek government bonds.

ATENAS (Reuters) - Los líderes políticos de Grecia alcanzaron un acuerdo sobre las medidas de austeridad necesarias para que el país obtenga un nuevo rescate financiero y evite así una moratoria de deuda desordenada, dijeron el jueves dos fuentes del Gobierno.
"Sí, hay acuerdo", afirmó un funcionario.

LIVE BLOG (Financial Times)

14.06 BREAKING NEWS Mario Draghi says talk of the ECB sharing losses on Greek bonds is unfounded.

13.57 Over in Frankfurt, Mario Draghi has said there was no discussion of a change in interest rates today. The ECB kept rates at 1 per cent, as expected.

He’s also noted the raft of poor data on bank lending. Annual M3, the ECB’s preferred measure of broad money, contracted by 1.6 per cent in December, from 2 per cent in November, he says, adding that the recent bank lending surveys also make for poor reading.

He says it’s not possible to draw conclusions from this yet. The ECB’s president is obviously hoping that the ECB’s offer of three-year loans will boost the supply of credit to businesses and households.

13.46 Mario Draghi says: “A few minutes ago I got a call from the prime minister of Greece saying that an agreement has been reached and has been endorsed by the major parties.” Eurozone finance ministers will discuss the deal and next steps at their meeting this evening, he adds.

 That adds further confirmation of Kerin Hope’s news (see 13.26).

The agreement between the political parties is crucial. At yesterday’s all-night talks, the leaders of Greece’s main political parties failed to agree on what to cut to meet the budget targets required to secure a new bail-out. We await to see whether the forthcoming statement will spell out the details of the compromise that has apparently been reached.

As Jeremy Paxman put it on last night’s Newsnight programme on the BBC: “There’s nothing like the threat of being hanged in the morning to focus the mind.”

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