miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Zincore anuncia información sobre proyectos Dolores y Distrito de Óxido de Zinc Accha

Resumen: Zincore Metals (BVL: ZNC) anuncia que está avanzando a buen ritmo tanto con el Estudio de Prefactibilidad de su proyecto Distrito de Óxido de Zinc Accha (AZOD) como con los trabajos de exploración en Dolores, su proyecto de pórfido de cobre, el cual está siendo explorado conjuntamente con First Quantum Minerals Ltd. Ambos proyectos se encuentran ubicados en la Faja Cuprífera Yauri-Andahuaylas, una zona altamente mineralizada en el sur del Perú.

Jorge Benavides, CEO y Presidente Ejecutivo de Zincore señaló estar "muy entusiasmado con las pruebas que se están realizando como parte del Estudio de Prefactibilidad en el proyecto AZOD. Asimismo, Benavides indica que se están haciendo trabajos para reducir los gastos de capital y operativos propuestos en la Evaluación Económica Preliminar. La empresa se encuentra dentro de los plazos contemplados para completar el estudio para finales del primer trimestre de 2013 y publicar los resultados en el Informe Técnico dentro de los 45 días posteriores.

Zincore Progressing on Pre-Feasibilty Study for Zinc Project and Exploration Work for Dolores Joint Venture With First Quantum

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 3, 2012) - Zincore Metals Inc. (TSX:ZNC)(LMA:ZNC) ("Zincore" or the "Company") is pleased to report that it is making good progress on both the Pre-Feasibility Study for its Accha Zinc Oxide District ("AZOD") project and exploration work at its Dolores copper porphyry project, which is being jointly explored with First Quantum Minerals Ltd. ("First Quantum"). Both projects are located in the mining-prolific, Yauri-Andahuaylas Copper belt of southern Peru.

Zincore CEO and President, Jorge Benavides, commented, "We are very encouraged by the Pre-Feasibility Study test work being carried out for our AZOD project. In particular, we have been working to refine our Waelz kiln metallurgical process as well as the refinery hydrometallurgical process. The main focus of this work is aimed at reducing the proposed capital and operating expenditures reported in our original Preliminary Economic Assessment*. The indications to date are very encouraging in this respect and we are on schedule to complete the study near the end of Q1 2013 and publish its results in a NI 43-101 Technical Report within 45 days thereafter."

Mr. Benavides further commented, "With the strength and support of our joint-venture partner, First Quantum, we are also making excellent progress at our Dolores copper porphyry project. The first drill hole under the new joint-venture, DOL-11, is currently at about 400 metres. Surface mapping, trenching and sampling is also ongoing with a 90% coverage of the 600 hectare Dolores joint-venture project area programed for this year. This work has already helped discover new mineralized areas that will be drill tested. A second diamond drill rig has been contracted and we expect to deploy it by the week of October 7th as part of our plan to conclude a 5,400 metre drill program in 2012 and a total of approximately 7,500 metres in the first year of our joint-venture with First Quantum."

Mr. Benavides concluded, "A ground geophysical survey involving magnetometric and IP methods on the central Dolores mineralization is nearly complete. These activities will provide much better focus to our ongoing drill campaign. In parallel, we have also contracted an airborne magnetic and spectrometric survey to begin the second week of October. This airborne survey will cover the whole Dolores joint-venture property area as well our entire 50,000 hectare AZOD property area. In addition to helping us narrow our focus for targets at Dolores, this work will also help us better understand and uncover additional copper and other metal targets for the entire AZOD area, which is a very large land package in a prolific copper region, but which has been only marginally explored for copper."

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