Resumen: La empresa Panoro Minerals (PML) anuncia que ha recibido una nueva estimación de recursos minerales para el proyecto de Cotabambas, en Perú.
Puntos a destacar:
- La estimación de recursos minerales inferidos en el caso base es de 0.42% de cobre, 0.23 gramos/tonelada (g/t) de oro y 2.84 g/t de plata, para 404.1Mt, en un punto de corte de 0.20% CuEq.
- EL pozo de Alto Grado dentro del yacimiento de recursos minerales contiene 199.8 Mt de recursos minerales inferidos, con 0.54% de cobre, 0.30 g/t de oro y 3.19 g/t de plata, en un punto de corpte de 0.40% CuEq.
- Hay excelentes recuperaciones metalúrgicas preliminares de 87%, de cobre 62% de oro y 60% de plata, en un clasificación concentrada de 27% de cobre, 11,9 g/t de oro y 152 g/t de plata.
- Existe el potencial de aumentar significativamente el tonelaje de recursos sobre la base de los fuertes pórfidos de
mineralización, al este del área base establecida y al menos parcialmente dentro del yacimiento de recursos actual.
Panoro's Cotabambas Project Resource Estimate Shows Increase to 3.75 Billion lb Copper, 3.0 Million oz Gold and 36.9 Million oz Silver With Excellent Potential For Continued Growth
VANCOUVER, Sept. 11, 2012 /CNW Telbec/ - Panoro Minerals Ltd. (TSXV: PML) (Lima: PML) (Frankfurt: PZM) ("Panoro", the "Company") Panoro is pleased to announce that it has received a mineral resource estimate for the Cotabambas Project from AMEC Peru S.A. ("AMEC").
- Base Case Inferred mineral resource estimate of 404.1 Mt at 0.42% Cu, 0.23 g/t Au and 2.84 g/t Ag at a cut-off of 0.20 % CuEq within a Mineral Resource Pit Shell
- High Grade Pit Shell within the Mineral Resource Pit Shell containing 199.8 Mt of Inferred Mineral Resources at 0.54% Cu, 0.30 g/t Au and 3.19 g/t Ag at a cut-off of 0.40% CuEq
- Excellent preliminary metallurgical recoveries of 87% Cu, 62% Au and 60% Ag into a clean concentrate grading 27% Cu, 11.9 g/t Au and 152 g/t Ag
- Potential to significantly increase resource tonnage and maintain grade on the basis of strong porphyry mineralization east of the stated base-case mineral resource estimate area, and at least partially within the current conceptual pit shell
Mineral Resource Estimate
AMEC carried out a mineral resource estimate for the Cotabambas project having an effective date of 30 June, 2012 and based on 17,785 m of drilling by Panoro and 9,923 m of drilling from legacy campaigns. The mineral resource estimate consists of hypogene and supergene sulphides, and oxide copper and gold mineralization from the Ccalla and to a lesser extent the Azulccacca zones contained within a conceptual mineral resource pit shell. The Mineral Resource Pit Shell has been constructed to contain the portion of the mineral resource block model having reasonable prospects for economic extraction based on the current knowledge of the deposit. The mineral resource estimate for the deposit is summarized in Table 1:
Table 1: Mineral Resources for the Cotabambas Project
These mineral resource estimates consist of Inferred Mineral Resources that are normally considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is also no certainty that these Inferred Mineral Resources will be converted to the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource categories through additional drilling.
Table 2 below presents a summary of the sensitivity of the mineral resources inside the Mineral Resource Pit Shell to select copper-equivalent cut-off grades.
Table 2: Sensitivity of Mineral Resource to Cut-off Grade
High Grade Pit Shell
A High Grade Pit Shell was constructed to demonstrate the presence of a contiguous volume of higher grade mineralization within the base case Mineral Resource Pit Shell. The High Grade Pit Shell was constructed using the same criteria as the Mineral Resource Pit Shell and factoring base case metal prices by 0.55 to restrict the High Grade Pit Shell to higher grades within the deposit. Table 3 lists the portion of the Inferred Mineral Resources within the High Grade Pit Shell.
Table 3: Inferred Mineral Resources within the High Grade Pit Shell
Exploration Potential
The Cotabambas Project has significant exploration potential. Drilling to the east of the Ccalla zone has encountered wide zones of porphyry copper-gold mineralization associated with previously undiscovered intrusives, including an intercept of 403.3 metres grading 0.47% copper, 0.16 g/t gold, 4 g/t silver and 0.009% molybdenum. These results were received after the database closure for AMEC's resource estimate and so this mineralization is not included in the current mineral resource estimate.
AMEC estimated an Exploration Target of 120 to 320 Mt with average grades of 0.50% CuEq to 0.60% CuEq for this new zone considering that this mineralization has been intersected in several drill holes in an area measuring 300 m wide, and 300 m long and is open to the north and at depth. Furthermore, the new zone is located partially within the current Mineral Resource Pit Shell and has the potential to allow access to deeper mineralization at the Ccalla deposit. AMEC also estimated an Exploration Target down-dip from the Ccalla deposit and below the floor of the current Mineral Resource pit shell offers an Exploration Target of an additional 100 Mt to 200 Mt with average grades of 0.4% to 0.5% CuEq considering that the zone has a length of approximately 1,000 m, a width of 200 m and is open at depth. Finally, considerable grass roots exploration potential exists on the 80% of the property that has not been explored to date.
AMEC cautions that the potential quantity and grade is conceptual in nature for the Exploration Targets, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the Exploration Targets being delineated as mineral resources.
Parameters and Assumptions Used in the Mineral Resource Estimate
The conceptual Mineral Resource and High Grade Pit Shells have been constructed according to technical and economic parameters in Table 4.
Table 4: Parameters Used in the Construction of the Mineral Resource and High Grade Pit Shells
Metallurgical Testwork
Composites of drill core from the main mineralization types from the Ccalla and Azulccacca zones were subjected to preliminary metallurgical testing of leaching, flotation and comminution testwork. The metallurgical test work program was designed and supervised by AMEC and was performed by Certimin Peru, an ISO 9001 Certified Metallurgy Laboratory based in Lima, Peru. The test results are summarized in Table 5 below:
Table 5: Summary of Metallurgical Test Results
The preliminary comminution test work indicates that the Hypogene sulphide mineralization is of moderate hardness and the initial flotation test work indicates that it is possible to obtain a copper concentrate of commercial grade with reasonably high gold and silver grades. Based on results from these preliminary tests, the copper concentrates contain no significant levels of deleterious elements such as Sb, As, Bi, Pb and Zn that could incur smelter penalties. Both acid and cyanide leach recoveries likely may have the potential to be be improved for both the Oxide Copper-Gold and Oxide Gold mineralization types with further metallurgical testing
Luquman Shaheen, President & CEO, states, "We are very pleased with this robust resource estimate which has exceeded our expectations. The total resource base for the Cotabambas project has increased by 245% for contained copper, by 256% for contained gold and now also includes 36.9 million ounces of silver. In addition to the large overall resource, there appears to be a higher grade zone contained within it that could ultimately be amenable to early mining for a positive impact on potential project economics. The metallurgical results demonstrate very good recoveries with no deleterious elements. Moreover, the exploration potential demonstrates that there is still significant resource potential to be realized with our on-going exploration programs. We look forward to completing up to 30,000 m of additional drilling at the Cotabambas Project and delivering more gains in the future."
Luquman Shaheen, M.B.A., P.Eng., P.E.
President & CEO
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