miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Sunset anuncia nuevas estructuras en Carolay

Resumen: Sunset Cove (BVL:SSM) reportó que los recientes trabajos de exploración han llevado al descubrimiento de 13 nuevas estructuras en el sector Anomaly Two en la propiedad Carolay. La más importante de estas venas es Lindsay y Maria, ya que su volumen ayuda a confirma el potencial del proyecto. Los detalles de las muestras mineralizadas extraídas se encuentran debajo.

Sunset Cove Announces Discovery of Significant New Vein Structures at Carolay

TORONTO, Aug. 21, 2012 /CNW Telbec/ - (TSXV: SSM; (BVL: SSM) Mr. Lorne Woods, president of Sunset Cove, is pleased to report that recent surface exploration work has led to the discovery of 13 new veins/structures on the Anomaly Two sector of the Carolay silver polymetallic property.

Most important of these new veins are the Lindsay vein and the Maria structure. "The discovery of the veins is very important for Sunset at this time," said Mr. Woods "the volume of new structures is helping to confirm that the Carolay property has potential and needs to be developed further."

The Lindsay vein was found because the exploration team had noticed a small old adit measuring six feet in depth and about four feet across. They then proceeded to dig a trench one meter deep and found that the vein measured 27-meters wide and is open to the north as the hanging wall has not been located to date.

The Lindsay vein is mineralized as proven by the use of the Breuker hand held x- ray fluorescence analyzer, a portable device for measuring metal content of visible mineralization in host rocks. Twenty-four other samples have been sent to the lab for assaying and the results are expected shortly.

The Maria structure is located to the north-east of the Lindsay vein in a gully that runs over the length of the Carolay property. The vein measures approximately eight meters wide and appears to be 200 meters in length and has a known vertical drop of 200 meters. Assay results from samples taken will be published shortly.

"While it is too early to predict what the new structures will deliver in the assay results. They may have the potential for large scale mining methods" said Woods.

In addition the surface exploration team has found an additional 11 veins and three old adits on the anomaly. They are detailed in the table below. The results of Silver, Zinc, Lead and Copper are from assays on samples taken at each of the veins.

VeinAzimuthOrientationVein WidthSample WidthAgCuPbZn
Maria236°21°SE8.0 m     
Lindsay98°48°SW4.0 m0.82 m90.87 g/t0.08%0.06%0.01%
Lidia107°70°SW0.83 m0.83 m1.3g/t0.01%0.05%0.63%
Verónica310°40°NE0.23 m0.23 m16.3g/t0.03%0.08%4.97%
Irisbel49°NE0.57 m0.57 m12.8g/t0.02%0.25%1.30%
Alina80°80°SE0.40 m0.4 m1.7g/t0.01%0.10%0.60%
Atahualpa54°34°SE0.89 m0.89 m56.06g/t0.05%0.02%0.30%
Liz82°47°SW0.56 m0.56 m0.9g/t0.01%0.01%0.01%
Maryte335°52°NE1.10 m1.40 m11.96g/t0.03%0.01%0.01%
Mónica328°35°NE0.66 m0.66 m0.6g/t0.01%0.01%0.20%
Susana35°88°SE1.47 m1.47 m1.02g/t0.01%0.01%0.04%
Luana300°35°NE0.15 m0.15 m    

Planning is ongoing on how to properly drill these two new targets. These efforts should be underway by the end of September.

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